The City of Kansas City Missouri Water Department has announced that they will be replacing approximately 10,500 feet of break-prone 4-, 6-, and 8-inch cast iron pipe with new 8-inch ductile iron water main in 12 separate segments throughout the area of Jarboe Street to Brooklyn Avenue, W. 79th Street to E. 86th Street.
Their goal is to replace 28 miles of water distribution pipe each year or approximately 1% of our system. An analysis is done every year to identify the main segments to be replaced city-wide based on a number of factors including main break history, pipe age, size, and material, and criticality.
This project is one of the 18 projects funded for this fiscal year. Below is the project information sheet which includes a listing of all main segments to be replaced. Most of the replacements are in residential areas and should not impact businesses directly. Please see the included map for specific replacement locations.
Weather permitting, work will begin in March 2019 and conclude approximately November 2019.